Monday 30 May 2011


Computer is an electronic device that takes input from the user, processes it and gives the output.The computer hardware refers to those parts of a computer system that have a physical existence i.e. we can touch and see e.g. monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer etc.The computer software refers to that part of a computer that only has a logical existence i.e. we cannot touch and feel computer software e.g. operating system such as WIN 98, DOS and UNIX, application softwares such as MS-OFFICE, Corel Draw, Photoshop etc. Computer software is also referred to as a set of programs.

COMPUTER NETWORKS:A computer network is a collection of two or more computers that can communicate with each other.Aims of Computer Network:-

1. DATA SHARING: - On a network computers can share data between each other.
2. RESOURCE SHARING :- Resources on the network are like printers, CD-ROM drives, CD-WRITERS, etc that can be shared between all the computers on the network, thereby reducing cost of resources for each and every computer package.
3. SECURITY :- Security means restricting or controlling unauthorized access.

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